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Seleucus Nikator: Part 4

In out final installment of the Seleucus series, we will follow Seleucus to kingship, and his eventual death. In the year 305 B.C.,...

Seleucus Nikator: Part 3

Following the aftermath of Seleucus' expulsion from Babylon, and Partition of Triparadisus, Seleucus returns to his satrapy, but the...

Seleucus Nikator: Part 2

In this part of the Seleucus Nikator series, we delve into the aftermath of the death of Alexander the Great and what happened to...

Seleucus Nikator: Part 1

Our opening series of blogs will focus on the first monarch of the Seleucid empire, Seleucus Nikator. Seleucus’ mother was a woman by the...

Blog: Blog2
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